Design Project #1 - The Object Poster


The object poster, as exemplified by the Priester matches poster designed by Lucien Bernhard,
is considered by many as the beginning of modern graphic design and the subsequent view of the relationship between word and image. 


To begin this design project, choose an object you have familiarity with. 

Render it in simple colored shapes without outlines, visually reduced and edited down to its visual essence as an object. Do not interpret and/or express yourself through the object, but visually represent the object as it is. A good example of a contemporary “object poster” designer/illustrator is Michael Schwab (

Juxtapose the image with a word that describes what the object is. Choose a typeface that is legible and easy to read so that it communicates as text, but also appropriately signifies the word’s relationship with the image. Juxtapose the word with the image in a way that reinforces both the meaning and the form of the object. Choose a flat single color for the background of the design that provides an appropriate context and objectively conveys a message - the synthesis of the inherent, associative, and implied meaning of both the word and the object.



–       September 6       Object Poster Project Launch   

TH –    September 8       Object Image(s) are Due 

T –       September 13     Object Poster Comp is Due

TH –    September 15     Object Poster(s) is Due